- 初期地板開挖作業將產生較大噪音。
- 期間污水管路汰換、設備更新等作業將產生間歇性噪音。
- 師生行經作業區域請注意安全或繞道而行,並請改至其它樓層使用廁所。
- 施工期間造成不便,敬請見諒。
- 本公告如有未盡事宜,聯絡請洽營繕組廖小姐,校內分機62114。
- Loud noise may be experienced during the floor excavation process at the beginning.
- Intermittent noise may be experienced from the replacement of pipes and the renewal of equipment.
- Please avoid the renovation site and utilize restrooms on alternate floors.
- We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation throughout the renovation period.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Liao at (02)2939-3091 ext. 62114.