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首頁 / 服務項目 / 線上請修
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於「iNCCU→ 行政資訊系統→ 財產物品系統→ 物品請修單」或「iNCCU→ 學生資訊系統→ 住宿服務→ 宿舍請修」系統處理,



請修項目 承辦人 聯絡方式 備註
熱水鍋爐設備及一般水電 江仁德 63088  
空調冷氣設備 陳建宇 62113  
校舍修繕 吳金田 63091  
電話 呂家宇 62115 每週一、四派工維修


All maintenance and repair requests, whether for water, electricity, or property, must be submitted online through the "iNCCU→ NCCU Information System→ Properties Management→ Maintenance Repairing" system or the "iNCCU→ NCCU Information System→ Students→ Accomodation→ Dormitory Maintenance Repairing" system.

Once your request is confirmed, the repair process begins. There’s no need for signatures or printed forms. The system automatically sends your request to the relevant department in the General Affairs Office for processing.

If you have any questions regarding maintenance and repair requests for large machinery, please contact the specific personnel responsible for each category.

Category Personnel in Charge Contact Number Notes
Hot Water Boiler & Water/Electric Supply 江仁德 63088  
Air Conditioning 陳建宇 62113  
Building Maintenance & Repair 吳金田 63091  
Telephone Systems 呂家宇 62115 Repairs conducted on Mondays and Thursdays
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