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  • 綜合院館南棟五樓男女廁|113年6月24日至11月10日關閉
  • 綜合院館南棟四樓男女廁|113年7月2日至8月1日關閉
  • 綜合院館北棟五樓女廁|113年6月24日至11月10日關閉
  • 綜合院館北棟四樓女廁|113年7月2日至8月1日關閉
  • 研究大樓二樓男女廁|6月24日至11月10日關閉
  • 研究大樓一樓男女廁|6月29日至7月28日關閉


  • 工程期間將產生噪音。
  • 師生同仁行經作業區域請注意安全或繞道而行,並請改至其它樓層使用廁所。
  • 期程若有異動,則再另行通知。
  • 施工期間造成諸多不便,懇請見諒,也感謝您的支持與配合。
  • 本公告如有未盡事宜,聯絡請洽營繕組李小姐,校內分機66013。

Affected Locations and Dates

  • The male and female restrooms on 5th floor, South Wing, General Building is closed from June 24, 2024 to November 10, 2024.
  • The male and female restrooms on 4th floor, South Wing, General Building is closed from July 2, 2024 to August 1, 2024.
  • The female restroom on 5th floor, North Wing, General Building is closed from June 24, 2024 to November 10, 2024.
  • The female restroom on 4th floor, North Wing, General Building is closed from July 2, 2024 to August 1, 2024.
  • The male and female restrooms on 2nd floor, Research Building is closed from June 24, 2024 to November 10, 2024.
  • The male and female restrooms on 1st floor, Research Building is closed from June 29, 20
  • 24 to July 28, 2024.


  • Noise may be experienced throughout the renovation period.
  • Please avoid the renovation site and utilize restrooms on alternate floors.
  • We will provide updates regarding any changes to the schedule as necessary.
  • We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation throughout the renovation period.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Li at (02)2939-3091 ext. 66013.
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