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主旨: 113年6月25日至113年7月1日本校「法學院館興建工程」於四維道與環山道交叉口,辦理雨水涵管埋設工程,開挖




  • 旨揭工程原定113年5月27日至113年6月5日進行雨水涵管埋設作業,因雨延期至113年6月25日至113年7月1日進行開挖,期間四維道保持部分通行,造成不便,敬請見諒。
  • 作業期間如遇颱風天或天候惡劣等其他因素影響導致無法如期作業,將調整施工時間,本公告如有未盡事宜,請各單位依業務權責自行調整宣達事項。



        Notice: Partial Road Closure on Si Wei Boulevard due to Construction Project


  1. A section of Si Wei Boulevard will be partially closed from June 25, 2024, to July 1, 2024 due to the installation of stormwater drainage system in the College of Law Construction Project. Please stay away from the construction area. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused and kindly request your patience and cooperation during this time.
  2. Please note that the construction schedule is subject to change due to typhoons or other adverse weather conditions, which could result in delays. We will provide updates regarding any changes to the schedule as necessary. If you notice any omissions or unclear parts in this announcement, we kindly ask you to provide the necessary clarifications accordingly.
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